How Many Colonics Will I Need To Feel The Benefits?

How Many Colonics Will I Need To Feel The Benefits

The majority of clients report feeling an instant relief and find it to be a wonderful experience. If you’re considering colon hydrotherapy, you might be wondering how many sessions you’ll need to achieve your health goals. The answer isn’t a one-size-fits-all….it depends on the individual and their unique circumstances. Here, we’ll explore the factors that […]

How Colonics And Nutrition Can Overcome Pollution’s Effect On Your Heath

How Colonics And Nutrition Can Overcome Pollution's Effect On Your Heath

As a nutritional therapist and colon hydrotherapist, I’ve seen firsthand how our modern lifestyles and polluted environment are taking a toll on our health. Across Ireland and Europe, more people are dealing with chronic health issues than ever before. Let’s talk about why this is happening, what it means for us, and most importantly, how […]